Gay for fans nash

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Carol Denise Betts” (her legal name is Carol Denise). She posted the happy news on Twitter, showing off a gorgeous wedding picture and announcing herself as “Mrs. Nash surprised fans when she announced that she had gotten married to a woman, musician Jessica Betts, in August of 2020. “Jessica, tell Demetria about your better half,” Nash added. “I didn’t! But I was with somebody who did,” Nash replied, with Betts adding, “that’s right!” The interviewer also asked Nash what it was like being with a woman for the first time after being with men previously, asking if she knew what to do. “If there’s an agenda, it’s that we’re going to spread queer joy,” she said. When asked why they post so many pictures of their relationship, Betts said it’s just because they’re so in love, and they want to share it. Lucas, talks about the couple’s relationship, what it was like for Nash coming out, and what it’s like for the couple to live their 'Betts Life,' as the couple loves to hashtag their regularly-posted PDA pics. “Thank you Essence for choosing the Betts as your FIRST same-sex couple to cover your magazine” Nash wrote on her Instagram, celebrating the accomplishment.

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Niecy Nash and Jessica Betts are looking STUNNING as the first same-sex couple to appear on the cover of Essence magazine for their Black Women in Hollywood Issue.

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